Mental illness. It is something everyone can identify with whether they admit it or not. If you have dealt with depression, stress, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, or any other habit or hang-up, chances are you’ve experienced mental illness. And if you are a member of the African-American community, there is a very good chance you have not been treated for it because of the stigma it carries.
For African-American women in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties who have had difficulty overcoming these issues, help is available. Phyllis Y. Clark, the founder of Broken Crayons Still Color Project, A Healthy Heritage project, has created an 8-week program designed to help turn tragedies into triumphs. “The Broken Crayons Still Color Project is so important for African-American women because they have historically been the pillar and backbone of the culture; so now we are hoping to facilitate and create a safe haven for them to cry; to share their burdens; and do things like open up about their experiences with rape or abuse from family members,” says Clark. “We want them to be able to share their experiences, get it out of their system, and move forward. I’m so excited about this project!”
Curriculum created by renown clinical psychologist Dr. Gloria Morrow, and currently taught by Dr. Candace Walters, this program is your first step in identifying and recovering from mental strains, and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. “I believe that Broken Crayons Still Color is a phenomenal opportunity for women to take positive steps in the healing process,” says Dr. Morrow.
Since 2007, Healthy Heritage has been a pillar in the Inland Empire working tirelessly throughout the region to decrease health disparities and increase health equity in the African-American community for both women and men. “I expect Broken Crayons Still Color Project to have an impact in the community because it would provide an open space for women to seek help,” explains Clark. “This project will help women understand that just because they are going through something, it does not mean they are crazy. Whether it is menopause, a dramatic life change, PTSD from war, or PTSD from domestic violence, my hope is that this program will eliminate the stigma towards all forms of mental health. Please seek help!”
The Broken Crayons Still Color Project was launched in 2017 for African-American women who wanted to increase their knowledge of core mental health issues and effective coping strategies. The organization is partnering with such churches as Living Way Christian Fellowship, Rubidoux Missionary Baptist Church, Cathedral of Praise International Ministries, and Ecclesia Christian Fellowship to help women develop important self-awareness and mental health knowledge. “This project is important to implement because the faith community is one of the central institutions for African Americans; and when they are able to integrate spirituality with some of the psychological concepts that are important for them to learn, it really makes a difference,” offered Dr. Morrow.
The current course is held ONLINE via Zoom from September 25, 2021 - November 13, 2021, Saturdays, 10:00AM - 12:30PM (Pacific Standard Time)!! This course is hosted by the Riverside church, Castle Rock Christian Fellowship Baptist Church! Registration for the current course is closed, but you can sign-up for a future course by clicking the "Sign-Up for a Future Course" button on the home page.
The Healthy Heritage Movement, Inc is an Inland Empire nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the quality of life for African-Americans through health outreach, education, and advocacy. This program is made possible by support from the California Department of Public Health: Office of Health Equity - California Reducing Disparities Project, Inland SoCal United Way, and the City of Riverside.

About The Founder
A lifelong health advocate, Phyllis Clark is the Founder and CEO of The Healthy Heritage Movement, Inc. (HHM). Losing her mother to cancer at such a young age, she is fiercely committed to the fight against cancer and other chronic diseases that affect African-Americans.
As a volunteer for the American Cancer Society (ACS) since 2003, Phyllis is the past Chairperson for the African-American Outreach Committee for the Desert Sierra Region, the past Lead Legislative Ambassador for Congressional District 44, Co-Chair for the California Africa American/Black Team, and a member of the Region’s Cancer Leadership Council. Because of her dedication, the American Cancer Society awarded her the prestigious Harold P. Freeman and Volunteer of the Year awards in 2007.

About The Facilitators
Dr. Gloria Morrow is one of the nation's leading clinical psychologists, who devoted her early career to teaching students in undergraduate and graduate psychology programs. As an academician, clinician and author, her teaching, counseling and books have helped thousands of people find true inner healing.
As a top-rated professional with profound insight in her trade, she has been featured in a host of newspapers, (such as the award-winning Inland Valley News, an African American weekly). In addition to her published work in scholarly journals and books, she has been cited in critically acclaimed national publications such as “Psychology Today,” “Jet,” “Heart and Soul,” “Essence,” “Woman’s Day,” and will appear in the March 2009 issue of “Black Enterprise.”
Dr. Gloria has shared her expertise on many topics, including depression, anxiety, marriage and relationship issues, and a variety of issues relative to people of color from all ethnic backgrounds. She has become well known throughout the faith community because of her willingness to address the issue of mental illness in the church and the role of pastors and church leaders in granting permission for parishioners to seek mental health services outside the church when appropriate.
“We as Black women like to wear the mask looking like we’ve got it all together. But when we take off that mask, and bare our souls, behind them many times are empty, depressed, anxious, abused, broken souls." --Dr. Gloria Morrow

Dr. Candace Elaine Walters prides herself in her innate ability to capture and maintain the attention of others, using tools, such as her electric and magnetic personality, her genuine compassion for women while assisting them to live their best life in all authenticity. Dr. Candace Elaine holds a doctorate degree in psychology, a discipline of which she spent the last two decades learning, honing, and distributing.
Professionally, she is a therapist and integrated-transformational-specialist, implementing the elements of integrative psychology, believing the mind, body, and spirit work together as a unit. Her focus is mainly on anxiety and personality disorders associated with the mature woman.
She is the founder of “The Walters Group,” a company of which she, as in all other aspirations of her trajectory, has devoted her time to ensure the betterment and wellness of women.
She also secures quality time for the many nonprofit organizations to which, she provided in hands-on and interpersonal approach.
“Not every woman requires therapy. Most of us just need an accountability partner." --Dr. Candace Elaine Walters
Our Mission
Our mission is to decrease health disparities and increase health equity in the African-American community.

Our Vision
Our vision is to help women bounce back from emotional and mental traumas and lead productive lives.
Don't give up. Help is available.